HION MARTELL celebrate their 20th anniversary in 2012

It all started one summer day in 1992, when singer, guitarist and song writer Christer Nilsson assembled musicians in a recording studio in his hometown of Ljusdal, in the heart of Sweden. In just three hours they rehearsed and recorded three songs. The following year the band's debut album, '… for your exquisite delight' was released. An album where the backing musicians varied from song to song.

Another album was made ('Hit Ambition At The Canadian Club', 1999) before HION Martell got a more secure line up. Between the 2000 release 'Top of The Vision' and EP 'Water' (2006) a number of members came and went. Musically, the band evolved from playing fairly straightforward lo-fi blues rock, to having more innovative song arrangements, with a more characteristic sound.

HION MARTELL got the current line-up in 2009. In November of 2010 they released full-length CD, 'Will Cure Any Disease' (Viskningar och Vrĺl / Plugged). It has been well received throughout Europe, and songs from the album have been played expansively by radio stations in Sweden, as well as UK, Holland, Belgium, France, Germany and Italy.

With 'Will Cure Any Disease' the band broadened their sound. HION MARTELL places themselves in the middle of a landscape with classic 70's rock, boogie rock and American Southern rock influences.
HION MARTELL continues to stay active. The band is in the process of producing a new album with the running title 'Container'. It is not yet determined when it will be released. First the band wants to be utterly satisfied with the material.

A sneak preview in the form of single 'Water' (a remake of the EP-track from -06) was released in November 2011. This has been well received by radio stations in Sweden and as well as the rest of Europe.


Now plans are under way to release a compilation album with the best songs of the bands past works. It has been given the title 'Ultimate High' and will be out in late Autumn / early Winter 2012.

Some quotes…
“(…) in the end it's just pure rock 'n' roll with heart and soul (…) it's probably time for HION MARTELL to show you how to do it. Extra point for good variation. This is definitely worth checking out!”
Hard Rock Info (web site, Sweden)

“The result is very impressive for sure, because the included songs are actually quite catchy and really make you think this is a Classic Rock band that writes and records new 70s style Classic Rock tunes.”
Strutterzine (web site, Netherlands)

“Some fine blues rock ranging from boogie to MOR and back again. A full on American sound, not what you’d expect from Sweden but worth Checking out. ”
Get Ready To Rock (web site, England)

“This is definitely a band built for the live stage, but actually the music works well on album too. ”
Rock Realms (web site, England)

“’Will Cure Any Disease’ from ‘Hion Martell’ is a pleasant, complex free and swinging rock album by this Swedish quintet build around singer-songwriter Christer Nilsson. The band knows damn well how to entertain their audience and they use the stage at the same time to have lots of fun amongst themselves. In short: fun fun fun! is 100% guaranteed.”
Roots Time (web site, Belgium)

“This [7 Devils] for me was a total feel good track and my favorite on the album, it did have a very 70/80s feel to it but in all fairness a totally unique sound all of their own.”
Krashcity Magazine (magazine, USA)

“Bandet drar fram nĺgra skarpa ess ur rockärmen. I ”Fed up”, ”Don’t mess” och ”B.D.M (beer drinking music)” hör jag Status Quo pĺ finfint boogiehumör. I alldeles utmärkta ”Any disease” riffas det sĺ tung att man undrar om självaste Angus Young har ett finger med i spelet och singeln ”Built as a boxer” fĺr mig att tänka pĺ T-Rex. ”
Sweden Rock Magazine (magazine, Sweden)

“(…) men man mĺste nog säga att det rör sig om Hälsinglands coolaste medelĺlders familjefäder ändĺ.”
Red Hot Rock Magazine (magazine, Sweden)


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