ESSENTIA – Interview with Joonas

We have this short, but great interview with Joonas, lead vocalist from the Finnish band .Essentia a Finnish word and means essence. The word comes from Latin.

Essentia has been around since 2001. They have recorded three Essentia is not music for the masses. They try to urge people to listen to good music and change the way the industry works. The goal is to get people to think and feel. Human beings have the ability to formulate opinions. Massmedia is exterminating the thinking and caring of the individual. Music is a strong force and way to make this world better. Essentia is the key to the castle where everybody is king.

Above which necessity Essentia is created?

We have lived our lives in a little village with nothing to do. Only way to survive in that village is to sing and play guitar and we did it. Now we are living in a little bit bigger place and we are hooked up to do the same things all over again. This thing what we have is us. This is what we love. That is all folks.

How do you think that Essentia has evolved on the last years?

We are much closer now. And we have these chemical between us. With Sammy I have played in different bands 10 years now. It's a quite a time. We really concentrate into our new songs, I mean composing and producing and we practice much more than for example a year ago. And our humor is a little better in these days.

If Essentia is not a music for the mass, what's the inner goal of the band?

Well we have this project called life and we try to live it as wild as we possible can but the deeper inside we try to contact the crowds which aren't thinking so much. We try to spread the word of righteous world. But after all we are just five dumb boys who wants to take care of people.

“Essentia is an analyse which looks for different shapes and point of views of human being. Essentia makes songs for people having better mood. People own the music because that is healing power and it brings the peace. Essentia shows hope, rage and love will never die. Battle continues!”

Where did you get the inspiration for writing your songs?

I study international politics and so I read much and there is so much crap happening in this world. I think people should be aware of these things.

Where did you picture the band in the next years???

We really want to tour in Europe and in Mexico! We are wonderful on stage!

Talking about your last single… servant, i found a deep and strong song, full of feelings

but what do you want to show to the world with it?

Please all of you who read this interview: read the lyrics. And thanks to you for supporting us. It is all about giving. You should try to serve people and someday you'll get it all back. Helping people, that is what the world needs. It is also fighting and smiling for better things to happen. And never giving up.

I've seen the links on your site… and i was wondering what do you think about the social situation (wars, economy, etc) that's on the globe?

I think things are very bad. We don't care about poor people for example in development countries because money is all what counts. We don't see that if we would give money to poverty removing it helped us too.

If you have the power to change it, what would you change?

I would export northern society to every country.

Any message for Mexican, latin and all spanish talkers in the world?

Don't worry if American idiots doesn't like you, we like you very much! And please give some of your sun to our cold country, too!

If you want to hear, and know more about this great band, check their website! (Mexican site)

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