NORRSKÖLD – Interview with Henrik

Design studio set up by Henrik Bodin-Sköld in 2012
Norrsköld. The inspiration for this project was Folk Music, Black Metal, Melodic Metal as well. The first album that has been created is “Blessings of winter.” Not long ago released the next album.

You're now on your own, like for example Ihsashn or Varg. Will their efforts and music inspire you?

Actually Norrsköld started out as a one-man band with session members. But as the last album “Reflections of the night sky” was released, Norrsköld now should be considered a “real” band, as can be seen in the recent photo sessions. Of course I admire those who walk their own way in the music business, especially in this quite narrow genre of black/folk metal. The guys you mention are good examples of this, but I think the primary inspiration for me in this area is the Swedish act Vintersorg. His work made a huge impression on me when I was younger.

You’re mixing Black and Folk metal. Do you want to exploit some of the Northern culture in your songs? Like a mythology?

As a matter of fact, most of the lyrics in our songs are heavily inspired by folklore and legends from the Swedish cultural heritage. Personally I feel that the concept of writing about Aesir faith, Viking gods and such matters has been done so many times already. Even though it´s been done by great bands such as Amon Amarth etc. I feel the genre is already saturated. I find it more interesting to focus on the local legends, the lores, the fairytales we were told when we were kids.

Do you plan to cooperate with your colleagues from ex-band with your music making?

I´m definitely not against co-operating with my old bands! I think especially my previous band Irrbloss (which is a great Norse mythology based band in Gothenburg) would be fun to work with again. Maybe in a future live gig situation or so. The idea of writing songs for other bands is also something that has struck my mind a couple of times. We´ll see how that turns out in the future.

How does it feel to play solo? To be on your own?

Well as I stated earlier Norrsköld is now more of a “band” than ever. Even though I write most of the music and lyrics, the other guys strongly contribute with arrangement ideas, solos etc. Being the founder of the band I might have a “veto” in the decision making. However, I haven’t got used to this role yet since I have had low-profile roles in my previous bands.

I usually have a lot of inspiration and song ideas that normally turns out better if I´m not strictly bound to a specific genre. Therefore I prefer to be an almighty composer of black-folk-death-acoustic music rather than being a regular guitarist of a straightforward metal band. Outside of Norrsköld I also write music in other genres, mostly softer singer/songwriter stuff.

When you're composing… you record every instrument by yourself like Joel Grind, or taking help from a friends?

I´m very glad that I don´t try to record the instruments on my own. That would without a doubt result in very prolonged and expensive studio sessions. I´m not a very technical guy you see. I’d rather hand over the recording responsibility to those interested and skilled in it. I tend to focus on the creative part of the music process. I´ve been extremely lucky so far since both of the Norrsköld albums have been recorded with great help from very skilled friends. Without those guys I would still be stuck home in my living room, recording acoustic noises on my iPhone.

Recently a lot of bands surprises the world with their sound like Darkthrone or Satyricon from last year. Do you also intend to search another paths to your music?

I got advised by our drum tech to completely switch genre prior to every Norrsköld record in the future. That would indeed be a very interesting path to go! Although I now have too many good riffs and melodies lying around waiting to be recorded. So I think we’ll wait a while before abandoning the metal genre! All of the Norrsköld fans that enjoy the previous two albums will not be disappointed with our upcoming material. We might do a cover or two though, and I guess that might count as slightly straying from the beaten path right.

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