From Ryan Bartek, author of “THE BIG SHINY PRISON”

The legendary debut anti-novel “THE SILENT BURNING” is now available as a FREE PDF DOWNLOAD.

Out of print for 5 years, this fresh version of “THE SILENT BURNING” is the way the original was intended – unexpurgated, uncensored & featuring a host new content, an altered structure, an updated intro & appendix which includes the notorious propaganda manual “THE MABUSVANIAN CONSPIRACY.”


“THE SILENT BURNING” can also be viewed/downloaded via SCRIBD.COM (link below)

Originally released on January 5th 2005 by Elitist Publications, “THE SILENT BURNING” was quickly pulled from stores because of its highly confrontational, raw & offensive nature. “THE SILENT BURNING” went on to become a legitimate cult phenomenon, with original copies appearing on e-bay for an upwards of $80.

Written for the sole purpose of brutal self therapy, “THE SILENT BURNING” is a take no prisoners account of bi-polar depression from the grim bowels of Detroit. Created during supreme hopelessness (circa 1998-2002), “THE SILENT BURNING” is a ruthless anti-speech that supremely capsizes the Post-Cobain/Pre-Columbine “Dark Generation” who soon grew into adulthood watching “Fight Club” one too many times.

Somewhere between “The Wall,” “The Downward Spiral” & every Napalm Death album, “THE SILENT BURNING” is a nexus of black humor so callous no one is quite sure if they are even supposed to laugh. It is essentially a mammoth poem fragmented into a quasi-anthology, featuring over 70 vignettes, soliloquies, dream narratives, journal entries, poems, rants & misanthropic outbursts.

Below you will find press reactions from the initial campaign circa 2005/2006. Any news mentions/reviews are highly welcomed & appreciated. To schedule an interview, please contact:

…Press reactions from the initial campaign, 2005/2006…

“One of the most interesting, and perhaps honest, books of the last decade.” –

“This deeply personal memoir, one of many, as well as his views on racism, abortion, and drugs speak volumes about Bartek’s ability to analyze society from the perspective of someone who isn’t from the privileged class. From his disadvantageous upbringing, he has developed a brutal style of analysis, buttressed by an in-depth knowledge about innumerable subjects, qualifying him to speak for his generation…” – The Satanic Inquisition

“In many ways, ‘The Silent Burning’ reads like a counter-culture manifesto, an underground guide to the rebellion. Paranoia, anger and self-preservation guide Ryan Bartek’s decrees, which he operates in the same clobbering, sarcastic vein of Kerouac as he does Chuck D. Bartek rants to his hearts content, and his heart is blackened like the underbelly of hell.” – PIT Magazine

“Bartek slams you upon entering and like the ball in a pinball machine you are flicked aggressively from heartrending childhood story to barely coherent hate filled manifesto to disjointed poem to intelligently articulated commentary… This book is for those who are simmering with the anger of repression and persecution, and for those who want to understand them without judging. It also touches those of us who maintain a less hostile attitude towards society, but are just as disgusted with the mainstream version of reality.” – Clamor Magazine

“The Silent Burning is a postmodern polemic, a schizophrenic society, and a hyper charged imagination reflected in a funhouse mirror, populated by a narrator looking for something approaching understanding, but finding a head-on-collision with the world instead… You’re left with blood on the floor and screams ringing in your ears- but also a great deal of truth, if you can stand to look at it.” – JAM RAG

“I was incredibly moved by this work. A very brave piece on Bartek’s part, as it attacks the mass media and our society in such an honest and straight forward fashion, that it would be practically impossible for any major publishing house to push the book without cutting half of it completely out. His words swell like flames on the underbelly of the American lie… Hands down, this is one of the most important readings of the 21st Century. Practically functioning as a bi-polar survival guide for anyone that operates outside of the ‘norm,’ and a must-have for all that find themselves active in the underground.” –

“Comprised largely of fragments written in a variety of different styles, Bartek’s predominant form is the rant – the preferred mode of lunatics, psychotics, drug fiends, and confused angsty teens. He aims his gun at the usual targets – television, racism, organized religion, conservatives, liberals, rednecks, freaks, junkies, yuppies, rapists, pro-lifers and losers – beneath sectional subheadings such as ‘Bob Saget Raping the Olson Twins on PCP;’ a ranting that is by its very nature as inconsistent as it is somehow endearing in its callousness… While there is a lot wrong with this book, not the least of which is the author’s self-diagnosis masquerading as a climax – a bit too pathetically American for my tastes – what pisses me off most of all is the fact that it’s barely available…” – The Prague Literary Journal

”A Misanthropik Monument of Hatred, Pain, and Disgust.” – STALAGGH


Ryan Bartek has released his entire book & music discography as a FREE DOWNLOAD –

This includes the road book/extreme journalism epic “THE BIG SHINY PRISON,” the debut anti-novel “THE SILENT BURNING,” the A.K.A. MABUS metal/punk crossover album “LORD OF THE BLACK SHEEP,” the 41 track grindcore collection of SASQUATCH AGNOSTIC “COMPLETE MAMMALOGRAPHY” & Bartek’s acoustic JACK CASSADY “THE REAL MAN IN BLACK.”

for more info, visit

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