NEBELHEXE in Studio Recording “Dead Waters”

NEBELHEXE is in the studio and has set “Dead Waters” as the title for her upcoming record. In the meantime, here's what she said about it:

“Hmm, what can I say about the new songs? Difficult to describe… very own, very dark, very organic, very strange? This time I just wanted to make music for myself, not trying to aim at a certain scene or a certain genre… just something for me. The result is very different from Essensual, for example, where I aimed to try out new more commercial styles and a more open 'pop-like' sound. Nope, I am done with that. So Dead Waters certainly turned out to be more organic, kind of like a mix of dreamy ambient, tribal, and a darker form of country… or something like that… maybe it was the influence of that Texas snake beer we had down at the studio (cool stuff!) and the hot weather… 🙂 Anyway, I am really happy about the new songs and I am eager to put some of them on myspace soon…

The songs of course, as usual, embrace many of my deep and dark thoughts, feelings and recent experiences… (I can be quite eh 'naughty' sometimes… or at least end up in pretty weird situations ;-). The vocals are much more intense too. The lyrics will be up soon and a further update will follow… so keep posted :-).

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