DEICIDE Preferred Audio Weapon of U.S. Military

Gathered from evidence obtained through various reports, leaked interrogation logs and the accounts of soldiers and detainees, a list of the top 24 songs strategically used on military prisoners in Iraq was recently made public, according to Mother Jones Magazine's website.

Among a list of such musical luminaries as EMINEM, METALLICA and AC/DC (as well as non-luminary Barney The Dinosaur), was DEICIDE, coming in at number one with the song “Fuck Your God” from 2004's SCARS OF THE CRUCIFIX.

When word of this info first got to DEICIDE drummer, Steve Asheim, the only thing he could really say was “It's cool. If we're upto military standards of audio abuse, it makes me feel like DECIDE's doing our part for the troops.” Of course this moment is not the only history that Asheim has with the armed forces. “My dad was a marine, as were my uncle and grandfather;” says the DEICIDE skinsman. “I didn't follow in their footsteps since I was so busy with the band thing, but I'm glad I was eventually able to contribute somehow.”

Some of the tactical circumstances where prisoners may have heard “Fuck Your God” include sleep deprivation and interrogation disorientation. While some may see this information as a shock, other readers of the source article have taken a slightly different view of the situation. Commented one reader of the source article, “Honestly, the barney theme song is more disturbing than DEICIDE's F**k Your God.”

For more info, including the entire list of songs, go to

Fans, foes and the curious alike have all converged onto DEICIDE's MySpace page feverishly since Thursday, February 21 for an opportunity to listen to a special preview of a brand new track from their forthcoming album, TILL DEATH DO US PART. The excerpt of “In The Eyes of God” has earned itself nearly 30,000 plays since it was posted onto the profile.

While it's only a matter of time until a full new track is posted, this excerpt should be enough to tide over even Satan himself until TILL DEATH DO US PART is released on April 28 in Europe and May 13 in the U.S.

To bide the time, go to and keep playing the brand new track, “In The Eyes of God” as many times as it takes for it to reach a number of 666,666,666 and beyond.

TILL DEATH DO US PART is surely the most extreme release in the band's catalogue, evolving the sound brought forth on THE STENCH OF REDEMPTION into brand new, faster and more sinister extremes. Keep an eye on for future pre-order information.

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