NAPALM DEATH „Order Of The Leech”

NAPALM DEATH „Order Of The Leech” - okładka
Music: Grindcore
Duration: 45:00 minutes (12 songs)
Cool songs: Narcoleptic, Forwarned Is Dis-armed and Blows To The Body

Because I really liked the previous album from these Giants Of Grindcore, I was really excited about this one. Ok, it's not as good as Enemy Of The Music Business (one of the albums my mum still remembers), but it still rocks (in EXACTLY the same way)

This band has been around for a long time, and to tell you what they sound like. I'll refer you to Malevolent creation, a typical death metal band, they sound a bit like ND. The difference is that Napalm produce a lower, grinding sound, but with, at the same, insane speed. If you like brutal stuff, this is your soulfood.

Now for the album, It sounds just like Enemy…, ultra heavy, at extreme speeds, just brutal killing all the way, but the drumms don't sound as cool anymore, blame the production. If you like to see further information about ND, check my review on Enemy Of The Music Business…

note: 8.0/10


01 Continuing war on stupidity
02 The icing on the hate
03 Forced to fear
04 Narcoleptic
05 Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind
06 To Lower Yourself 12 The Great Capitulator
07 Lowest Common Denominator
08 Forwarned Is Disarmed
09 Per Capita
10 Farce And Fiction
11 Blows To The Body.

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