Author: Loucifer

SYNASTRY – Interview with Jimmy

One day, while searching through countless bulletins on MySpace, I came across a band called Synastry. According to their MySpace page and bulletin they had 'new everything', so I decided to check them out. After listening to the three tracks that were available a few times, I left them a message and a request to interview them. Luckily, Jimmy was up for answering my questions…

PHLEBOTOMIZED – Interview with Dennis

Unfortunately I completely missed out on this band when they were active – it was only when someone recommended them to me on a forum that I finally checked them out… and I'm extremely glad I did! Phlebotomized were lightyears ahead of their time when they released their own brand of experimental and progressive Death Metal!
Phlebotomized may be long gone, but the music definitely still lives on. I was lucky enough to have Dennis answer a few questions about the band's past and tell me what he's up to now…

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