WINTERHORDE „Nebula” - okładka
Music: Black Metal
Country: Israel
Duration: 52:16 (10 songs)
Cool Songs: The Earth Is An Altar, Propaganda, War of One, I am Sin…

After a ridiculously long time, I’ve finally found a spare moment to write some reviews!

Winderhorde hail from Israel – a country not particularly well known for decent Black Metal, but they’ve certainly managed to hit the nail well and truly on the head. “Nebula” is just what the doctor ordered – 10 tracks of mesmerising melodic Black Metal with awesome melodies.
The thing that really sold this album to me was the terrific lead guitar work. In quite a bit of Black Metal (although I could name a number of bands where this doesn’t apply – such as Thus Defiled), the lead guitar work either gets lost somewhere in the production or is forgotten about entirely. Winterhorde have done fantastically well here – the lead guitar is easy to hear and provides us with some brilliant solos, but it’s not the main focus of the band. You don’t end up thinking that solos were the be all and end all of this album.

Some highlights from the album include “The Earth Is An Altar”, the intro to “Propaganda” (I do like a good war influenced track!) and “I Am Sin”. “Nebula” could have benefited from something else to separate it from the crowd. It may have the great guitar work, but I think giving an extra something would bring it up yet another level. I’ve desperately listened to this album trying to find something that needed changing/improving. I’m stumped. I can’t find a thing!

From what I understand this is the band’s first label release. It’s an amazing album and Winterhorde are definitely a band that I’m keen to find out more about.

note: 9/10


Nebula:The Ultimate redemption
The fall of angelic dominion
The earth is an altar
Hate parade
I am sin
An ode to man
Post apocalyptic morning
War of one


Z. Winter – Vocals
Seth – Guitars
Lex – Guitars
Celestial – Bass
Morgenrot – Keyboards
Hesperus – Drums

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