Author: Anzelm Bohatyrowicz aka Art.

7th NEMESIS – Interview with the band

It's been a little while before I can finally present you with an interview with 7th NEMESIS. First, I couldn't make myself sit down and write the questions to Alex – I guess it's him who has answered them… Then the contact adress has changed and the call “The best chestnuts on Pigal Square” didn't fit the response “Suzanna likes them in autumn” anymore. So Your J-23 agent was forced to hide himself in the basement for Brunner kept on follwing him… Anyway, if the interview appears online tomorrow, I'll be in Top 10!

THALARION – Interview with Juraj

It's a weird musical world of THALARION! I don't mean they play some schizo fucked up music – they don't! I mean what they can do to the listener. Well, what can you tell about the band having listened to any of their records? You love them and hate them at the same time!!! OK, just skip the introduction and get to the interview… By the way: I forgot to ask Juraj who actually set THALARION…

CHARNEL HOUSE – Interview with John

You like to read interviews with bands which went thru a lot? If so now is your chance to meet veterans of the New York scene, maybe they didn't accomplish greater success, but they're still playing without looking behinfd them. Maybe they won't find a lot of listeners these days but they know how to promote themselves…And who knows, maybe they'll get their big break ???

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