Author: Anzelm Bohatyrowicz aka Art.

EVOLUTION „Dark Dreams Of Light”

Germen from EVOLUTION became fond me to this of degree, that I possess already in one's own collection till three discs! All happiness, that from preceding keep this oneself names, because following changes I would not take down, hehehe. In sum it is little pimple, about many greater is this, that boys hitched on thinks, that they will be German METALLICA after „Metallica”! And they push this cart stubbornly forward, playing after way like the team of Lars.

VARGSRIKET „Satanic Execution Commando Vargsriket”

At last the post office did not botch work and for second approach I received letter in wholes!!! And perhaps already then I would get this on what I waited, unfortunately with certainty some poor woman from stamping of letters scenting emiting destruction from letter with mark Osterreich and fell in panic and with primitive power knocked beat the shit out of with seal in plate VARGSRIKET!? Harm me turned out, when I drew out massacred the CD… however Grym is fine chap and spread once again the CD.

BRAINDANCE „Redemption”

So some how oddly consisted, that this issue mastered teams from Great Apples. As yet are these only three material, but on so not large number of review in this to scene I can courageously affirm, that New Yorkers passed expansion on my zine! With difficulty is me univocally to specify, what also such exactly plays BRAINDANCE! Two persons Sebastian Elliott and Vora Vor with help of musicians from studio.

STURM – Interview with Thomas

If one has read the review of STURM, he possibly wonders what made me do the interview. The answer is quite simple – I don't know! It's possible I've heard a voice inside me telling me to go and speak with Thomas. The second possibility is that their music – though boring – made me feel nice and since I had a lot of high voltage in the bottle… I regret that we'be been both drunk and the interview turned out like that. After all I'm intrigued by the band for I ask myself: is their latest release the best they can do or just a joke entitled “Fragmente”?
Hi Thomas! When was the last time You were interviewed for a polish magazine? Or maybe here in Poland people are not willing to present STRUM in their zines?

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