LORDS OF THE TRIDENT launch kickstarter campaign for 7th album “Shadows From The Past”

A true spectacle to be witnessed, Lords of the Trident is a daring adventure metal quintet that has been delighting their audiences and fans all over the world for ten years. To continue on their epic quest of bringing spectacular and entertaining metal to global fans their current aim is to release their 7th album “Shadows from the Past” later in 2018 with the support of a kickstarter campaign that goes live June 1st. Rewards include merch, video games, lessons from band members, festival tickets, and private concerts.

Visit the Lords of the Trident “Shadows From The Past” kickstarter.

With a lengthy history of enchanting fans with outrageous theatrical events with plenty of crowd participation, Lords of the Trident have donned their cloaks and armor to lay the groundwork for their most enthusiastic sojourn yet.

Fang VonWrathenstein shares his excitement:

“This album is our most ambitious musical work to date, and the first album with our new members Baron Helleshaar and Master Herc. Fans who have been with us for a while will notice that our new songs are a bit more complex, and our songwriting continues to mature. The new songs are definitely still Lords songs, but explore some new musical themes. I believe the new album will be our strongest offering yet, and contain some songs that are sure to be fan favorites going forward.”

The band has partnered with the video game Coffee Crisis in which they will be featured in as NPCs (non-playable characters) and will provide a song for one of the levels. The kickstarter goes live June 1 and will run for the period of a month with a financial goal of $6000 USD. In return the band offers supporters a wide variety of band merch, copies of Coffee Crisis, private music lessons with band members, private concerts, and tickets to Mad With Power festival in Madison, Wisconsin. The album will be released digitally and on physical CD on Friday, August 24th along with it being performed for the first time ever the following day at Mad With Power festival on Saturday, August 25th. Fans that support Lords of the Trident through Patreon will have access to exclusive rewards tiers.

Photo Credit – Mary Sweeney


Since climbing out of a volcano in 2008, shrouded in metal and ash, Lords of the Trident have gone to battle on many stages across the USA, playing and headlining a plethora of festivals and have an admirable arsenal of recordings in their inventory. The Lords of The Trident have released three full albums: “Death or Sandwich” (2009), “Chains on Fire” (2011), “Frostburn” (2015) , three EPs: “Plan of Attack” (2013), “A Very Lords of the Trident Christmas” (2014), “Re:Quests” (2015), and two live DVDs, along with numerous compilation singles.
Their live shows include medieval costumes, pyrotechnics, confetti cannons, guitars set ablaze, and of course, excellent technical musicianship that challenges the standard for how live music should be experienced. Citing influences such as Iron Maiden, Scar Symmetry and Judas Priest, and embracing lyrical themes inspired by great battles, conquests, dragon-fighting, virtual reality, and out-of-control robots Lords of the Trident dish out face-melting power that is enjoyed by fans of all races and classes.

For more info:

Home: Parczew (Poland). Interests / Hobbies: music, musical journalism, oriental studies, anthropology, psychology, medicine, sociology. Favourite music genres: first of all the all genres of Metal, Hardcore and Progressive Rock as well as Gothic, Ambient, Classical Music, Ethnic Music, Sacred Music, Choral Music, Soundtracks, New Age Music, Folk Music i sometimes Jazz, Electro, Experimental or Alternative Music... He co-founded magazine & webzine Born To Die'zine as Gnom.
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