WYRD Sign To Moribund, Announce New Album

Moribund Records issued the following bit of news today:

“Today, Moribund Records officially announces the signing of Finland's WYRD, one of the underground's preeminent pagan metal bands. Formed and fronted by erstwhile Azaghal guitarist Narqath, for the past decade WYRD have released eight full-length albums, each one more celebrated than the next, on a number of cult underground labels, including Avantgarde, Solistitium, Millenium Metal Music, Omvina, and Naga Productions.

Now, Narqath brings his muse and WYRD to Moribund Records, and is currently working on the band's ninth full-length album, to be titled Death Of The Sun – a release for the latter half of the year is tentatively planned. Narqath also intimates that plans are afoot for a professional promo video, and that mixing/mastering chores for Death Of The Sun will likely be a high-profile metal

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