DIVINE HERESY Drummer Tim Yeung Posts Drums Lessons

Ever wanted to say that Tim Yeung was your guru in learning how to drum at 200bpm? Now's your chance because Tim is posting lessons on Divine Heresy's YouTube page starting with slowed down parts for “Failed Creation,” although it still seems pretty damn fast. If you suck ass though do Tim a favor and tell people you learned from someone else. There's also a couple of jam sessions with Tim and Dino tearing it up too if the lessons don't wear out your precious brain. DH is currently on the “Operation: Annihilation” tour with Shadows Fall, Static-X, and 3 Inches Of Blood and have also decided to make sure you guys have your fill by the year's end with another tour lined up with Chimaira, Kataklysm, and Terror right afterwards. Consider it an early Christmas present. They're also inviting fans to meet them at their merch booth to sign CD's and take pictures instead of hiding in their dressing rooms with their egos up their ass like other bands I won't even start to name off because this would probably turn into my last newsletter I ever write. This is a little off subject, just like everything I write, but Dino gave Citysearch.com a list of some of his favorite restaurants across L.A. if you ever want to try L.A.'s best grub. I can already hear the jokes coming, but until you can tear it up like Dino can, you can't say sh*t.

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