GEMINI:FIVE „Black:Anthem”

GEMINI:FIVE „Black:Anthem” - okładka
Music: Glam Rock
Country: Sweden
Duration: 47.33
Cool Songs: Flesh for Fantasy, Insane is Sane, When the Body Speaks

How much space to waste on this one? Ok, that’s probably a little unfair, but considering my lack of positivism regarding their debut, I wasn’t terribly enthused about hearing Gemini Five’s sophomore effort. The most striking aspect about 2003’s ‘Babylon Rockets’ – for me at least – was the audacious marketing of the band as the new Motley Crue! At the time, Nikki and Co hadn’t even contemplated a reunion and as such Gemini Five were seemingly on their way to plugging a hole in the market. Someone forgot to tell them that they had to bring some songs to the table as well. ‘Babylon Rockets’ had a couple of decent tunes, but for the most part their Motley Crue impressions didn’t stack up.

The question is; Would ‘Black:Anthem’ be any different? If the black, depressive cover art is anything to judge by, then yes it appears that just maybe ‘GF’ have learned some lessons from ‘Babylon..’ Unfortunately, on the surface at least, it seems as though ‘GF’ are now a very confused act. ‘Babylon…’ was a blatant ‘cock-rock’ homage with just a hint of current day electronica thrown in to establish a modern edge. However, with ‘B:A’ Gemini Five have put the lipstick and leather away in favour of a darker, technological enhanced form of Glam Rock. The sound is noticeably thicker and heavier – which sounds like a good thing, but actually detracts from the party rock atmosphere of the debut. ‘B:A’ is a much moodier, reflective and downbeat sounding album and clearly at odds with their image.

The technological enhancements that form a red line throughout this entire disc also props this disc up as a rather processed and soulless hard rock album. There’s some nice riffs on this disc (Insane is Sane, Flesh for Fantasy (not the Billy Idol track) and When the Body Speaks for example) but the stifled production renders then virtually lifeless. Good Glam Rock (despite beliefs to the contrary) actually has attitude and balls about it. There’s a dirty rock edge that needs to be captured. ‘Black:Anthem’ despite its intentions, fails to adhere to any of these principles. And where’s the freaking ‘sleaze’?? This is about as sleazy as your grandmother.

I’m not sure that Gemini Five have made the right move with the direction of this new disc. Clearly they have attempted to offer up a more modern sounding (industrial flavoured at least) hard rock album rather than pilfering old ideas from the vaults of 80’s Glam Rock. But you know, I think I would’ve actually preferred if they did. At least it would have ‘sounded’ like a rock album and not this soulless, vapid set of tracks. As a lesson in how it’s done, GF need to take another listen to ‘Rocks’ and ‘Appetite for Destruction’ before they contemplate their next studio effort.

note: 4/10


Babylon K.A.O.S
Flesh for Fantasy
When the Body Speaks
Bring on the Monkey
Heaven Come Undone
You Lead me to Madness
Making Love Song
Insane is Sane
Second II None
Love Venus
Sinner Parade
Silent Night

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