SILENT SCYTHE „Suffer in Silence”

SILENT SCYTHE „Suffer in Silence” - okładka
Music: Melodic Power/Thrash
Duration: 42.10 (8 songs)

Cool songs: Old World Disorder, Backstabber, Suffer in Silence, To each his own

Silent Scythe hails from Sweden. They play a rather generic brand of highly melodic death with some well intentioned thrash and traditional metal sensibilities. ‘Suffer in Silence’ is their debut album and whilst the patterns at play here are nothing groundbreaking, there is definitely a hint of a potential within. Suffer In Silence’ is basically a re-recording (on a much larger budget) of the bands second demo which was entitled ‘Longing for Sorrow’, the demo that finally nailed them a contract with the ever growing Karmageddon Media label.

Capturing a sound that could be described as part Darkane, part Iced Earth and part Nevermore, Silent Scythe are more power/thrash that you may think. They may be Swedish, but any In Flames/Dark Tranquillity comparisons can be forgotten very quickly. With its production (courtesy of mainman Tommi Djukin who also wrote 99% of ‘SIS’) aping a sound that Daniel Bergstrand would proud of (perhaps in pre-mixing anyway), ‘SIS’ has much to like. The riffs are staccato like, measured and full, and the bottom end powerful and commanding throughout.

However, the most impressive element of Silent Scythe’s whole impact is via their vocalist ‘Tobbe Jansson’. For me, his high pitched Ripper Owens meets Matthew Barlow style is the sole reason why ‘SIS’ is such a refreshing listen at times. The guy can sing, no question. Having said that, for reasons that are not clear (to me, at least) Jansson is NO LONGER IN THE BAND!! Whaaaat?? Yep, since this recording Jansson has been replaced by one Fredrik Eriksson. I’ve never heard Eriksson, and I assume he adopts a similar style, but he’d need to be damn good to do justice to what Jansson has laid down on ‘SIS’.

Silent Scythe has made an extremely positive impression with ‘SIS’. They have a way to go in terms of musical ideas and general versatility, but as a debut this is promises much for the future. The loss of Jansson is something of a set back for the band in my opinion, but as I say I’m yet to hear Eriksson perform. I hope he proves to be just as good. Lastly, (and this is what I fear most for Silent Scythe) – do not mistake this band as another Swedish Melodic Death act – quite simply they are not!

note: 7.9/10


2.Longing For Sorrow
3.Old World Disorder
4.My Only Family
6.Suffer In Silence
7.To Each Of His Own

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