NO RETURN „Machinery”

NO RETURN „Machinery” - okładka
3 Cups SLAYER Insanity
1/2 Cup SOULFLY Vocal Attack
1/4 Cup PANTERA Aggression
1/3 tbs FEAR FACTORY Effects
2 Cups KREATOR Speed

Mix above ingredients in a blender at high speed. while this is mixing, place your ear real close to the blender and your in for a treat. NO RETURN try their hardest to keep you away from turning off the blender with their full assault on your ears, and try to make your head detach itself from the rest of your body. This is some heavy shit that could easily be border line Death Metal. This is definatly a flash-back Cd for all those fans of the Thrash scene. There is no slowing these guys down throughout the Cd. Just when you think their slowing down , it picks up speed again and its full speed ahead again. The musicianship is great. Alot of double bass, catchy rythmns, and some keyboards and samples to add to the mix. Good harsh-sounding vocals spurt out lyrics about the machines that we are. They also do a cover of DEATH's “Secret Face”. They do it well, but the vocals are drowned out a little bit. They still do a good job with it. I normally do Death Metal Review's, but this one I could not pass up. This Cd should put the smiles back on all the Thrash fans. I know I'm smiling.

note: 9/10


Steeve “Zuul”- Vocals
Ben- Guitars
Al1- Guitars
Malko- Synthetic & Samples
Died- Drums

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