MANES „Under Ein Blodraud Maane”

MANES „Under Ein Blodraud Maane” - okładka

When I say pure cult black with symphonic keyboards most of you will shudder and scream: 'What The Fuck'? Those of you who have actually heard this record will know exactly what I am talking about. This is pure brooding, cold and hateful BM that incorporates keyboards to add extra chill instead of extra warmth. This record contains re-recorded songs from the demos 'Maanes Natt' (1993), 'Ned I Stillheren' (1994) and 'Til Kongens Grav de Dode Vandrer' (1995). In the band's own words this is what the demos would have sounded like if they had proper equipment at the time.

I have heard scraps of Manes before but never quite long enough to get into it. I got my hands on this a few months back and literally my jaw dropped. I actually missed a highway exit so engrossed did I become in this record. The pure coldness and hateful euphoria emanated by this record was enough to firmly place this record well within my top 10 of all time. Add to this the minimalist yet strangely complex riff building reminiscent of top progressive acts and this suddenly becomes essential. The music is generally mid-tempo with some fast interludes, I guess in that respect you could vaguely compare Manes to Limbonic Art. It is however infinitely more intense in my opinion and the band truly deserves their legendary status based on this release alone. The brooding atmosphere is second to none! The intensity is not one of hyperspeed riffing and incessant blastbeats, the record is in fact rather calm; but this calm is only superficial. Your blood will literally boil with hatred and your heart will chill to sub-zero temperatures if you allow yourself to be immersed in the sick and twisted world of Manes. The odd esthetic and intensity of this record truly cannot be expressed by words alone. There is no substitute for listening to this.

An absolutely brilliant Black Metal release that benefits greatly from excellent artwork and packaging as well as a crisp and clean production. No self-respecting Black Metal fan can say not to have heard this!

note: 10/10

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