ARRIVAL „An Abstract of Inertia”

ARRIVAL „An Abstract of Inertia” - okładka

I must admit to knowing nothing at all about this lot. I heard one of the songs off this album on a sampler I picked up in France and found myself quite intrigued. Arrival play what could be described as very catchy black metal, not something I would normally listen to, but on this album they do a sterling job of executing music, which is both brutal yet accessible. At times, they remind me of Old Mans Child, but they permeate the compositions with some well placed lead guitar work.

The keys are used to effect, whether they are up front in the music or providing a background melody. The pace varies in each song, but I prefer the slower parts. The production is sufficient for this release but I would have preferred to hear the vocals a bit higher in the mix. These are only minor gripes about what is essentially a solid album. Die hard fans of the genre might disagree, but this is not my preferred style of music, so I can only write about what I hear.

If you like Old Mans Child, Dimmu Borgir, or even Satyricon, give this a spin. You've got to hear the title track at least as it's an excellent piece of blackened death metal.

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