KINGCROW – Interview with Mauro Gelsomini

KINGCROW exists over seven years and I never heard about them. Anyway metal, what they play never not belonged and not belong to the most popular. I always supposed that in every species of metal can to find something interesting. All spieces of metal have common roots … I remembered when my pal (once musician – metal fun, at present musician – hiphop) spoke with his colleague (metal fun) and my pal asked colleague, what he listens musics at present. The colleague answered: – “I listen different music! Heavy metal, death metal, thrash metal and black metal!”…. Let nobody understand me wrong, but, despite it that the species of metal can diametrically to differ then continually it is METAL!!! I will finish with shout this prelude because begin some delibration again, and so KINGCROW…

Hi!!! You were born in 1996 year. This already even quite a lot years. how much have you materials?

We have three mini CD and two full albums, plus many songs we never recorded in studio…

Well, let’s pay attention on “Insider” most… 😉

Ok. No problem. I heard only “Insider”. Did you go way of progressive metal from the beginning?

No. I’m in the band from November 2002, when Kingcrow were deciding about their sound. I contributed much towards the prog rock, because I love that genre, and the other guys didn’t want to make power metal or heavy classic. To say the truth, we don’t want to play any genre in particular… If we like, we play… If we don’t like, we can do something else.

Do you wake up from this that deciding for progressive metal you restricted the species of metal listeners? I think that in the general scale of metal funs aren't lot of listeners who passionately listen progressive metal.

We don’t care. If you play something in order to have a larger number of fans, I wonder what kind of shit you’ll write… A musician must follow his emotions and his preferences, regardless of the music trend or whatever else. Maybe he won’t have any success, maybe… But he will have played what he liked… It’s the only thing that really cares…

You have right…. What reigns the species of metal in Italy at present?

Well… I see that trend is so much present, so Lacuna Coil, Evanescence, In Flames are selling well here. But I’m often wondering if those are still metal…

I know many bands, many great bands that should make eat shit to the ones mentioned before…

IN FLAMES – it was good band… Did you hear SILENT or SYRENS CALL?

Never heard.

I ask because those bands are from Italy and have many common with heavy metal, although they innovated to their music a bit. It is not necessarily progressive, but they sound very curiously also. Do you think, that underground teams should to lean together, or rather vie with other teams?

I think that they should, but I think it’s not possible because of the people. Everyone (included me) think of his own things and do absolutely nothing for the other bands. Aren’t Syrens Call French!?!?!?!?!?

Sorry, you have right!!! I forgot. One or two years ago I did with them the interview. Probably I ages. Hehehehe…. What do you inspired forming “Insider”? I think about music inspirations.

RUSH for the rhythms, Savatage for the arrangements, Queensryche for the lyrical context.

Is the “Insider” concept album?

Sure it is! It’s a very actual story, no dragons, swords or sorceress… It talks about friendship, treachery, power, money… And it has an end different than other ones… But I can’t say anything, it’s a surprise…!

Who is mysterious Jason Parker with dialogues among your tunes? With something associates me, but I can not remind with who…

That name is pure fantasy! If it really remembers another character, it’s just a case…!

And who is Alan?

Alan is Jason’s best friend. The “betrayer”, the ill character… To me, he is more “human” than all the others…

He, he…. Potential future listeners must listen to the story personally. You will say nothing. The story is really good…. And what mutant being visible on the cover?

It’s not a mutant. Should be Jason, when he is closed in a psychological ward, with a strength jacket. He is terrorized, so that cover should be a symbol of his oppression… Look at the buildings, look at the moon…

Sorry. The man has strait-jacket really…. How look creating music in your case ? Taking under attention fact, that the music is very complex thematically. Anyway how it consented on progressive music.

Progressive is a consequence. We have a story. We have some atmospheres to recreate with music. This is not simple, and you need often to change the mood of the album. Sometimes you achieve it with a change of rhythm, sometimes with a different expression of the voice, with a chorus, with a contrappunto, with a guitar solo or with a dialogue between instruments. If you achieve in communicate different emotions and make them flow through your music, you’re progressive!

The music is arranged great, but it in spite of all it's lacks for me a bit larger quantity of keys. Are you in future going more to diversify your music?

I don’t think so. We think keyboards make a more pasted sound, but not as dynamic as we want it to be.

What is men's echo on “Insider ”?

Everything is men’s echo on “Insider”. Everything evil happens because of men and their faults. Everything good happens because of men and their merits.

It is know that concerts for majority of teams are very important. And how is it in your case?

I hope we’ll play in some festivals this summer. In a festival many people can see you on stage, and many people can say your name the day after…

What is your the largest achievement?

Our largest achievement is probably that “Insider” is exactly as we expected it was. After six months of hard work we and you can now enjoy it, and believe me, it’s a pleasure.

On the back-cover is visible a little logo of Consytech Limited. What is a firm?

Yes. Consytech LTD is the label created by our producer for “Insider”.

As we approach ad finem that I unfortunately have to give standard question about future of KINGCROW …. Do you work over new material already?

We will start working to new material in the summer…

Grand thanks for interview! Obviously the end of anamnesis belong to you traditionally!…

I’d like to say Hallo to all your readers, and remember them that “Insider” is waiting for them…

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