ONSLAUGHT „Sounds of Violence”

ONSLAUGHT „Sounds of Violence” - okładka
Music: Thrash Metal

Website: http://myspace.com/onslaughtuk
Country: England
Duration: 48:13
Reviewer's Picks: Antitheist, Code Black, Hatebox

All I can say is, “Sounds of Violence indeed!” The comparatively relaxed intro track “Into the Abyss” lulls listeners into a false sense of security just before “Born Into War” brings the chaotic thrash that we've all been waiting for. Everything about the album epitomizes heaviness, from the rage-filled lyrics to the merciless riffs. You can feel the Slayer influences in a few of the songs, particularly in the guitars (the only real saving grace of Slayer, in my opinion), and the hints of black metal interspersed throughout keep the album from feeling repetitive.

The anti-religious themes in the middle of Sounds of Violence contribute to the angry feeling of the album, surprisingly without getting childish or whiny. “Antitheist” is so poignant that I wonder whether or not the lyrics come from the personal experiences of any of the band members. Lyrics like “You made me pray to a god that I would never believe in” and “this is the way that you save me” should speak to any listener who has had religion shoved down their throat by a well-meaning family, and the rest of us should appreciate the somber tone of the song regardless. The devoutly religious might want to sit this one out.

Just when I thought Sounds of Violence might be a perfect 10, “End of the Storm” killed all the momentum in one fell swoop. The choice to include it as the second to last track on the album perplexes me. I can understand including a low-key outro track, but “End of the Storm” is right before “Bomber,” an upbeat tune that would seem more awesome if “End of the Storm” hadn't dragged down the mood. If the last two tracks switched place, Sounds of Violence would have been perfect but I suppose it will have to settle for mere greatness. Ah well.

Reviewer's Note: I learned after writing this review that “Bomber” actually is a bonus track, so there's a bit of egg on my face there. My 9.5/10 rating stands!

note: 9.5/10


Into The Abyss
Born For War
The Sound Of Violence
Code Black
Rest In Pieces
End Of The Storm
Bomber (bonus)


Sy Keeler – Vocals
Nige Rockett – Guitar
Andy Rosser-Davies – Guitar
Jeff Williams – Bass
Steve Grice – Drums

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