So what is it all about?
Here's the recipe:

Pour into a blender: (All measures in European standard!)

1 dl of Coroner (vintage)
1dl of Fear Factory (the machinery)
1 dl of Machine Head (the groove)
1 dl of Ultraspank (industry)

Flavor with:

1 ml of Slayer
2 ml of Ministry

This demo has a really professional sound and the production is raw and heavy with that underground touch. I really enjoyed it but it wasn't entirely my favorite stuff cos it's heavy all the way. I'd like more diversity in the music. The songs sound very alike and the vocals are a little monotone. When the guy screams it sounds like Ultraspank, cos the vocals are a little distorted all the time but the other not-as-heavy vocals sound like some robot talking. I think that on one hand some melodic vocals would make this music more interesting, on the other hand some even heavier growls would make the music even heavier. As a bonus the guys perform Tom Petty's “Running Down a Dream” (track 12). It is a truly original version that combines the AC/DC groove with an industrial feeling… cool!

This is their site:

This is my verdict:
7 of 10 … there's potential!


Brandon: guitar/vocals
Alicia: bass
Shawn: live percussion beats and noises
(guess the drums were programmed on the CD)

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