DISILLUSION „Three Neuron Kings”

DISILLUSION „Three Neuron Kings” - okładka
Style: MeloDeath/Anathema
Song tip:Song 2-4
Advice: Cut down the Anathema Trip

Disillusion. For me an unknown band from Germany. But recording to their website www.disillusion.de they formed in 1994. And on this demo cd from 2001 it surely shows that the guys can play on their instruments. The democd contains of 4 songs. And surprisingly they start with the weakest song of the democd. It's called “in vengeful embrace” and is a mix between melodeath and Anathema. And Anathema sucks big time (my opinion).
The next 3 songs they focus more on the brutality and power instaead of emotions and softness. And that really suits them. The last songs make the demo absolutely one of the best democd's i have heard in Years. So my advice to Disillusion. Concentrate on the Melodeath, which you are excellent ar and you will get far. In August this year they have signed a record deal wuth Voice Of Life Records and they have released a ep called “The Porter” and they are now recording their full length debut. I will surely check out again when i have the opportunity.

note: 7 out of 10

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