Tag: bongzilla


Upcoming releases on Relapse Records, Release Entertainment, and Desolation House ::: [COMING January 21, 2003] ::: ~ V/A Contaminated 5.0 2xCD (Relapse Records low-price 2xCD sampler featuring 45 tracks from…


Colossal stoner-rock kings BONGZILLA have been sowing their own style of homegrown, psychedelic sludge-core since the mid-'90's. With a Sabbath-on-downer-encrusted sound that blends billowing rock, clenched-teeth blues and an underground…


Colossal stoner-rock kings BONGZILLA have been sowing their own style of homegrown, psychedelic sludge-core since the mid-1990's. With a Sabbath-on-downer-encrusted sound that blends billowing rock, clenched-teeth blues and an underground…

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