MEIN TAG MIT EVA „Heilig Heldenland”

MEIN TAG MIT EVA „Heilig Heldenland” - okładka
Music: Industrial/Dark Ambient/Noise
Duration: 76:23 minutes (15 songs)
Country: France/Austria

This my first day with MEIN TAG MIT EVA… though this hermetic project already exists 10 years and they have several materials on one's account. “Heilig Heldenland” includes 15 compositions, which they create really curiosical climate by over 76 minutes…

The music is difficult, very hermetic and mysterious, it is create from many alternative musical species and in the sum this lets enough psychotic atmosphere … The industrial cold and rhythmical sounds produce some gender of vibrations which they in connection with the dark ambient's keys and the noise's motives builds the deep dark atmosphere. The bizarre cold and gloomy sounds pass throughout the material, these sounds have the ability of exploration of different pictures hiding on ground of human mind. The ill-omened and very mysterious monologues, recitations to music as well as cranky singings appear additionally here and there.

The whole is place in very trance and sometimes wavy rhythmic. The music makes impression the connection of archaic ancient essence with the automated futurism.


-Prolog (We Lost The Candle)
-Ein Letztes Flackerndes Nachtlicht Für Den Toten Kameraden
-Ich Weiß Nur, Daß Es Diese Welt Gibt
-Someone Died That Night
-Das Neue Rom Und Der Regen
-Heilig Heldenland
-Dein Sein
-Und Die Scharen Sammeln Sich
-Serbischer Winter
-Froid Et Désir
-Meddig Alszol Még? (+ŐSEINK REMÉNYE)
-Personnages D' Hier
-Walked Among The Living, Walked Among The Autumn Leaves

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