TENEBROSUS „“The Fall of Worthless Morals””

TENEBROSUS „“The Fall of Worthless Morals”” - okładka
Music: Black Metal
Website: http://www.tenebrosus.prv.pl
Country: Poland
Duration: 36:30 (10 songs)

Cool Songs: In The Name of Christ, Red Tears On The Face Of Savior, Veins Of The Night Sky

Intriguing start intro leading the listening curiosity to roam around a bit Tenebrosus sound causes panic until the harsh beginning of song two In the Name Of Christ belts it furious rage really getting my attention. At first I was more so in question with this release thinking it was another black metal band but boy was I take back by surprise by the sheer velocity of musical strength that these gents have. Constructively putting it this group has a sinister yet almost painful effect throughout all their songs, not only lyrically but the profound sound that is overall generated. Tracks Red Tears On The Face Of Savior is a wickedly produced song compelling doom like qualities of substance this song has to be the most listened or feared song. Purifying Flames showcase the occult talented mastermind behind the vocals of Worm Tongue for whom shrills other worldly screeches of suffering to the victims of listening torment.

Other bonuses to this devilishly erotic tales of evil are the melodic song intros of almost satanic like whispering in the background for which some might find actually appeal. Please, other than that Fall of Worthless Morals has gusto as far as creating an atmosphere unto itself. Sound production is solid as well as a band that backs what they do well. Evil, seductive and enchanting any sense of an ominous nature. Well Done!

note: 10/10


1. Gathering of the forces of evil
2. In The Name of Christ
3. The True Ending
4. The Seed of Truth
5. Red Tears on the face of savior
6. Crucify
7. Veins of the Night Sky
8. Purifying Flames
9. New Age will come
10. The Fallen Arrive


Worm Tongue-Vocalist

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