UNSOLVED MYSTERIES „“Ghosts” Vol 2 Screener”

DVD review: 12-01-04
DVD: Unsolved Mysteries-“Ghosts”
Disk 1 of 4

Among broadcast’s longest-running reality programs , “Unsolved Mysteries” has gain notoriety by taking on the burden of proof for paranormal and extra terrestrial events. This segment is a compilation of 8 Stories of haunting, spiritual intervention and exorcism based on legend and/or actual events presented by host Robert Stack.

Among the high points of disk 1 are “The Gray Man,” “Resurrection Mary” and “Voice from the Grave.” The disk opens with a enactment of the Pawley’s Island legend of “The Gray Man.” whose appearance is credited with saving the lives of several Island residents. The legend has it that a young southern man gives up the ghost in a riding accident after celebrating recent his marriage. Years later his widow is visited by an apportion she believed to be her deceased husband, telling her to flee the island. The following day a hurricane ripped through the island sparing only her plantation. “Gray Man” sightings were reported preceding Hurricanes and other events from the early 1950s thru the late 1980s resulting in those visited escaping, property loss, injury and even death in some cases.

Next on the disk is the Chicago legend of “Resurrection Mary,” A spirit of a 20-year-old woman who is said to wander the streets of Chicago. “Resurrection Mary” is among the most well documented cases of supernatural phenomena in history encompassing dozens of reports spanning decades. Interviews with those visited by Mary detail their encounters with the wondering spirit presenting a convincing case for the existence of paranormal entities even for would-be skeptics.

“Voice From the Grave” is the most dramatically gruesome segment of the 8 portrayed. In this chilling reenactment a young woman is rapped, stabbed and set afire by an unknown assailant. Years later one of her form co-workers is visited by a spirit which communicates information leading to the eventual apprehension of the murderer.
Video is full-frame, which I prefer to the “letter box” presentation. The quality of the video and the cinematography vary somewhat due to segments ranging from 1987 to the present. The more elderly episodes are grainy at times and the more recent segments enjoying the clarity you’ve come to expect from this series. I think the less than stellar quality segments add to the overall “grit factor” making the scenes more raw.

The audio is Dolby Digital 5.1 (for those of you with enhanced audio or surround sound systems.) The sound is quite clean with some enhanced bass here and there to rumble the subwoofers during the occasional thumps.. All techno babble aside, the disk’s content is comprehensive enough to boil the blood of reverent fans of the paranormal and convincing enough to keep the attention of any skeptic with an open mind. Any fan of the popular “Unsolved Mysteries” series will not be disappointed.

Website: http://www.unsolved.com/moreinfo2.html

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