OBDUKTION „Encounter in a Dream”

OBDUKTION „Encounter in a Dream” - okładka

OBDUKTION is a four piece band hailing from Athens, Greece. Which made me wonder what I was in store for, having I never had heard from them. I don't know of to many Death Metal band's that come from Athens. What I hear, I like. They have a sound that is different from most Death Metal bands. I heard some Thrash, some Power Metal.

The guitar solo's totally blew me away. The guitarist shred out some of most intricate solo's that you normally don't hear in a band of their kind. Actually the whole band is excellent. I don't know if I like the vocals that much though. I think they are good, but I don't know if I like them with this band. What I mean is during the vocal part of the songs, the music is totally Death Metal, but when there is no vocals, the music takes a different route. It is Heavy, Thrashy, and really likeable. I guess you could call it their trademark sound, because it is definatly a sound that I never heard in Death Metal.

They have chosen a sound that will throw alot of people curveball's, because they sure threw one at me. (right-in-the-nuts) That make's them a very unique band that should not be ignored. Hopefully this release will opens alot of door for them. Musical wise they deserve it.

note: 7/10


George Bitzos- Guitars and Vocals
Jim Iokeimoglou- Guitar
George Sergakis- Bass
John Roussis- Drums

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