JUDAS PRIEST „Painkiller”

Cool songs: Do I have to write them???

I was reading a review of Metallica's „St.Anger” and hearing „Painkiller”. Suddenly I thought that those guys from Metallica have never climbed at „Painkiller” level. I've realised that on the famous Priest's album is everything which we can call METAL. Everything, from guitars to vocals is screaming for vengance and ripping hearts with it's perfection. Everytime I listen to „Painkiller” it just kills me! These guys have recorded a CD which has become a milestone in Heavy Metal history!!!

This album was released in 1990 and I can only imagine what mess it has made on the music market. All the bands which were playing Heavy Metal, were just blown away with power, freshness and aggression of this material.

The guitars are blazing so bright that you simply can't belive that it's reality. Glenn and KK have played probably the best riffs and solos in their career. Listen to Glenn's lead break in the title track. Masterpiece! And of course we can't forget about one of the most powerful voices in the universe. Mr. Rob Halford. He's screaming, screeching, shouting and showing everyone that even after 20 years in the band he is able to sing everything. No matter as high…

I haven't said nothing about the rythm section. Behind drums we have some „fresh blood”- Scott Travis (ex.Racer X). From the beginning he shows that he isn't there by chance. His thunderous drumming is very important part of this album. I don't think that Dave Holland (Scott's predecessor) could be able to fit as percfect in the album, as Scott did. There's of course Ian Hill on bass guitar. He's a kinda guy who is never in the flashlights, and always a bit hidden, but I'm sure that without him it wouldn't sound as good as it does.

If you call yourself a metal fan you probably have it in your collection. If not…HELL AWAITS!!! 🙂 And maybe someone will send the guys from Metallica this CD. Perhaps they'll understand that metal isn't that what they are trying to play…

note: 10/10

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