HEAVENLY „Coming from the Sky”

Do any of you know Heavenly? Most of you will probably say no, and that sucks cause it's a really good band. If its not enough that the guys from the band play really well, they also sing very well, and the interesting part is that Piet Sielck (guitarist and vocalist of Iron Savior) and Kai Hansen (guitarist and vocalist of Gamma Ray) helped out in this album. That's probably why, the album is Iron Savior/Gamma Ray style, but they didn't copy everything from the bands mentioned above, you're just able to hear some things that normally you would associate with Iron Savior or Gamma Ray.
Now back to the album. The songs are beautifully sang (2 thumbs up for the vocalist) and the choruses (with the choirs) are simply awesome. I'm not even going to mention solo parts, cause they totally kick ass. All of the songs are filled with big dose of heavy metal, from time to time you'll hear the keyboard, but that doesn't interfere with listening this beautiful music. I'm ending this review, cause “Riding Through Hell” is playing, if you could only hear this awesome chorus.

Translated by: Motorbreath

note: 5/5

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