ZARAZA „No Paradise To Lose”

ZARAZA „No Paradise To Lose” - okładka
Music: Experimental Industrial Doom Death Metal
Country: Canada
Duration: 54.21
Cool Songs: None

If music beyond the Halloween season tantalizes your listening taste buds then this CD is it. This group describes themselves as experimental/industrial funeral doom metal one must argue that Zaraza's self produced effort absolutely doesn't touch ground with any descriptions but a fruity-loops recording gone bad.

Vocalist Jacek handles mediocre recording but vocally he trashes the emotional appeal that goes behind the quote funeral doom metal but makes up for it with the drum machine creations and samples on No Paradise to Lose. Songs in their duration are continuously repetitive one cannot make sense as what track ends and another beings expect Inflection which bestows an odd atmosphere creating a void of nothingness.

Much like the band name Zaraza means in Polish pest, pestilence or plague this band most definitely fits their name.

note: 2.3


Possessed by Skepticism
Nova Akropola
Mark Of The Infidel
Planetary Re-Install
Znickad Dinikad


Jacek (The DoomHammer) – lead vocals, drum machine, samplers, keyboards
Grzegorz Haus ov Doom – operatic vocals, samplers, keyboards

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