These Americans are all about the music, no image, no shit… although they look like they’ve gotten a good beating on the back of the CD, very artistic ; )
This CD hit the streets on July 20th 2003. How about a fine blend of nu-metal/rock/emocore? Sounds good to me… and it certainly does!

Being a little naughty one could say that these guys sound a lot like Filter – just strip off the electronic mumbo jumbo. They play metal with a lot of rock and energy. Just comparing Slow Roosevelt to Filter would be an oversimplification cos there is much more nu-metal in this music. I guess that the vocalist Pete Thomas has the same equilibrium of yelling (not growling as the bio states) and soft singing, as well as the sense of melody, as Richard Patrick of Filter has. The repetitive riff structures and lyrical repetitions make the overall impression even more filterish. There’s a hit potential to many of the songs and to me that’s not a bad sign. Sell-out metal? Who cares, this is a good jam!

Guys, I’m sorry for all this Filter-cap I’m giving you… I hear a little Simon Says and Leeway too!

note: 9,5 of 10

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