DEVIN TOWNSEND BAND, THE „Accelerated Evolution”

DEVIN TOWNSEND BAND, THE „Accelerated Evolution” - okładka

Perhaps the highest profile Devin Townsend project at this moment is Strapping Young Lad whose 2003 self-titled Century Media release has been gaining write-ups in many metal magazines worldwide including the May '03 feature in Metal Maniacs. This solo release showcases music from the hardworking mastermind in a dense creation encompassing progressive hard rock and taking it to a new level. Sometimes heartfelt and divine while in contrast caustic, Devin Townsend manages to craft nine songs full of lasting impact. The framework behind this project includes Devin Townsend (vocals, guitars, programming), Brian Waddell (guitar), Ryan Van Poederooyen (drums), Mike Young (bass) and Dave Young (keyboards).

Opening with 'Depth Charge', Townsend immediately showcases vocal diversity changing from melodic harmonies to scorching screams. The variance in 'Depth Charge' does as the title suggests taking the music deep into the listeners’ ear and striking down to the bone. Guitar layers narrate the remainder of the experience ranging from deeper effects, offsetting the earthquake drumming. From the aggressive opening Townsend wisps into the pattering 'Storm', a more peaceful lyrical endeavor which whispers out the real life chorus “You wanted to be, what you’ve never been before, We worked hard for a living, We worked hard for it all”. Lines that read insightful which mesh seamlessly with the harmonious musical effect. The 'Storm' is no hurricane, just a light sprinkling, and the music works. Variation between both worlds (hard and soft) differentiates the remainder of the album, sending each track somewhere the previous didn't dare venture.

I feel the true highlight is the instrumental 'Away'. It's the most melodic and the chemistry from the overall band is prominently displayed. The overall song creates a whirlwind of beautiful guitar leads that are not afraid of touching on distortion. Stirring new boundaries, being fearless within the musical world, while playing meaningful music about real life, that is the underlying theme here. What Devin Townsend does on Accelerated Evolution is astonishing. A feat to behold and highly recommended for fans of hard rock and progressive rock/music. This is something you really can't explain, you just have to hear it and enjoy.


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